Deadline Notice
Call for Abstracts
We invite you to participate in the Call for Abstracts for ASBrS 2025, the 26th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Breast Surgeons. The meeting will be held at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, from April 30–May 4, 2025. Please review the guidelines below for helpful information on preparing and submitting your abstract. If you have any questions regarding the submission process, contact abstracts@breastsurgeons.org or call us at 877-992-5470.
All abstracts must be submitted through our abstract submission portal no later than 3:00 AM ET / 12:00 AM PT on November 7, 2024. Authors may submit 1 or more abstracts for consideration for presentation. Each abstract submission is subject to a nonrefundable $60 submission fee.
Instructions for Abstract Submission
Abstracts must not contain data that have been previously presented or will be presented or published prior to ASBrS 2025. Institutional names must not be included anywhere in the title or body of the abstract. Case reports will not be accepted. Submissions must be 500 words or less, which does not include the title or authors. Submissions may include no more than 1 table or figure. All words must be those of the authors: abstracts written by artificial intelligence (AI) will not be accepted. All abstracts must be submitted through the abstract submission portal.
Author Disclosure Policy
ASBrS promotes balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all of its educational activities through the disclosure of financial or non-financial/strategic business relationships or partnerships (relationships) and mitigation of relevant relationships. The relationships requiring disclosure are outlined in the ASBrS CME Activity Disclosure Policy. All authors are required to disclose all financial, and non-financial/strategic, business relationships or partnerships (relationships) with any ineligible company they have had over the past 24 months.
Companies that are ineligible to be accredited in the ACCME System are those whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. If the first presenting author is employed by an ineligible company as defined by the ACCME and does not meet the limited circumstances outlined in Standard 3.2., an alternate presenter who does not have a relevant employment relationship must be named if the abstract is selected for presentation in an oral abstract session. Oral abstract presenters will also be subject to the same disclosure review and management strategies as faculty. The alternate presenter should not be financially motivated or interested in presenting the abstract.
Disclosure Mitigation
All oral abstract presenters will also be subject to the disclosure review and mitigation process outlined in the 'CME Activity Disclosure Process for Financial or Non-financial/Strategic Business Relationships or Partnerships'. Oral abstract presenters must disclose all financial, and non-financial/strategic, business relationships or partnerships (relationships) with any ineligible company they have had over the past 24 months. Financial relationships of any dollar amount or non-financial/strategic business relationships or partnerships are defined as relevant if the educational content is related to the business lines or products of the ineligible company.
Should it be determined that a relevant relationship exists, the individual will be contacted by a designated ASBrS official with methods to mitigate the relationship. An advanced conflict mitigation process will be initiated if the designated ASBrS official determines a relevant relationship requires additional review. The CME committee will determine the applicable parties for additional review. If the relevant relationship cannot be mitigated, an alternate presenter must be named and will be subject to the 'CME Activity Disclosure Process for Financial or Non-financial/Strategic Business Relationships or Partnerships'. All relevant relationships must be mitigated before the start of ASBrS 2025.
Special Submission Categories
International Poster Abstracts
Researchers outside the US and Canada have the option of participating in a new submission category designed to assist with travel visa applications. International Poster Abstracts must be submitted by September 5, 2024. These abstracts will undergo an early review process, and decision letters will be emailed to submitters by early October 2024. Abstracts submitted in this category will be considered for poster presentation only. Authors of accepted abstracts can request a letter from ASBrS for visa application, if needed, to attend ASBrS 2025.
Current Accruing Prospective Clinical Trials Abstracts
Abstracts submitted in this category should describe the primary and secondary objectives of the trials, targeted accrual, sites the trial is open at, date of activation, anticipated study length, and trial design. Abstracts submitted to this category will be considered for poster presentation only.
Late Breaking Abstracts
The ASBrS will accept late breaking abstracts specific to ONLY prospective clinical trials for which patient signed informed consent prior to participation. Abstracts that concern other data types will not be considered. To qualify as a late breaking abstract, submit a placeholder abstract by the general abstract deadline of November 6, 2024. The placeholder abstract should include background, methods, and details of the clinical trial sample size, and potential implications of trial findings. The final version of the abstract is due on February 5, 2025, and must include the final results. These abstracts will be considered by the Annual Meeting Scientific Committee for presentation, and those accepted will be notified.
Presentation Types
All abstracts will be reviewed by the ASBrS Annual Meeting Scientific Committee. Presentation dates are tentative and subject to change. The top abstracts will be selected for 1 of the following presentation formats:
- Oral: Each presenter will be given 6 minutes for their presentation, followed by 2–3 minutes for questions. Oral presentations will be presented during 3 seperate Scientific Sessions. In order to be eligible for acceptance, you must have an author who will be available to present during the assigned session.
- Quick Shot: Each presenter will be given 3 minutes for their presentation, which will be followed by a 2-minute discussion period. In order to be eligible for acceptance, you must have an author who will be available to present during this session.
- Poster: The Scientific Poster Session and Reception will be held on Friday, May 2, 2025. Your abstract's presenter must be available to discuss the poster with interested meeting attendees during this session. ASBrS will provide thumbtacks and an 8-foot-wide by 4-foot-high carpeted, framed board on which to mount your poster.
Opportunities for Publication
Accepted abstracts will be published online in Annals of Surgical Oncology. Authors of abstracts accepted for oral presentations, quick shot presentations, and select poster presentations will be invited to submit a manuscript for possible publication in the October 2025 issue of Annals of Surgical Oncology. Manuscript submission is required to be eligible for the George Peters Award and Scientific Presentation Award. All manuscripts must be submitted by April 24, 2025. No extensions will be given.
Special Awards
The George Peters Award
Breast fellows presenting an oral or quick shot presentation will be considered for the George Peters Award. To be eligible, a manuscript must be submitted to Annals of Surgical Oncology by April 24, 2025. This award was established by ASBrS to honor Dr. George N. Peters, who was instrumental in bringing together ASBrS with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, the American Society of Breast Disease, and the Society of Surgical Oncology for the development of educational objectives for breast fellowships. The educational objectives were first used to award Komen Interdisciplinary Breast Fellowships. Subsequently, the curriculum was used for the breast fellowship credentialing process that has led to the development of a nationwide matching program for breast fellowships. The award winner will be granted a prize of $1000.
The Scientific Presentation Award
Medical students, residents, and fellows presenting an oral or quick shot presentation will be considered for the Scientific Presentation Award. To be eligible, a manuscript must be submitted to Annals of Surgical Oncology by April 24, 2025. The award winner will be granted a prize of $500.
Scientific Impact Award
All oral presentations will be considered for the Scientific Impact Award for the best paper as voted by the audience. The winner receives a plaque.