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Benign Primer
Thursday, April 7
8:00 AM–3:30 PM
8:00 AM–3:30 PM
Course Moderators: Michael Berry, MD, FACS; Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS
Faculty: J. Jaime Alberty-Oller, MD, FACS; Michael Berry, MD, FACS; Allison DiPasquale, MD; Amanda Kong, MD, FACS; Heidi Memmel, MD, FACS; Anne Peled, MD; Mara Piltin, DO, FACS; Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS
Course Description:
Benign breast disease constitutes a great deal of what breast surgeons encounter on a daily basis. This course will offer a practical and referenceable collection of multiple common benign entities with the most current evaluation and treatment recommendations. There will be ample time to question and interact with the faculty on each topic. The topics covered will be relevant for use the first day home from the conference.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Discuss the indications for excision for proliferative lesions, enlarged lymph nodes and fibroepithelial lesions
- Understand the diagnostic evaluation for nipple discharge and gynecomastia.
- Define options for management for breast pain, breast infections and common skin disorders on the breast
CME Information:
The American Society of Breast Surgeons designates this live activity for a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
7:30 AM | Check-in and Breakfast
8:00 AM | Welcome and Introduction
Michael Berry, MD, FACS; Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS |
8:05 AM | Nipple Discharge Workup and Intervention
Heidi Memmel, MD, FACS |
8:30 AM | Q&A
8:40 AM | Dermatology of the Breast
Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS |
9:05 AM | Q&A
9:15 AM | Proliferative Lesions on Core (ADH, LCIS, Papillomas, etc.) Excision or Not
Michael Berry, MD, FACS |
9:40 AM | Q&A
9:50 AM | Breast Pain
J. Jaime Alberty-Oller, MD, FACS |
10:05 AM | Q&A
10:15 AM | Break
10:45 AM | Infection Spectrum
Allison DiPasquale, MD |
11:10 AM | Q&A
11:20 AM | Enlarged Lymph Nodes
Amanda Kong, MD, FACS |
11:45 AM | Q&A
12:00 PM | Lunch
1:00 PM | Fibroepithelial Lesions
Mara Piltin, DO, FACS |
1:25 PM | Q&A
1:35 PM | Gynecomastia
Anne Peled, MD |
2:00 PM | Q&A
2:10 PM | Roundtable
3:30 PM | Adjourn