The Online Experience Opens June 1, 2025!
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Coding, Reimbursement, and Quality Symposium
Moderators: Richard Fine, MD, FACS; Walton Taylor, MD, FACS
Coding and Reimbursement
Linda Han, MD, FACS, FSSO -
Coding and Reimbursement Panel Q&A
Richard Fine, MD, FACS; Linda Han, MD, FACS, FSSO; Walton Taylor, MD, FACS -
EUSOMA Quality Indicators
Isabel Rubio, MD, PhD -
NAPBC Quality Measures and Standards
Paul Baron, MD, FACS -
Scientific Oral Presentations 1
Moderators: Sarah Blair, MD, FACS; Megan Miller, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Sarah Blair, MD, FACS; Megan Miller, MD, FACS -
Validation of the Performance of the Novel Prognostic Staging System for Overall Survival in De Novo Metastatic Breast Cancer and Demonstration of Performance for Cancer Specific Outcomes
Christopher Vetter, MD -
Impact of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Surgical Outcomes and Conversion to Node-Negativity in Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer: Analysis of Molecularly High-Risk Tumors by Histologic Subtype on the I-SPY2 Clinical Trial
Rita Mukhtar, MD, FACS -
From Podium to PubMed: Successful Manuscript Publication of Breast Surgical Oncology Presentations at National Meetings from 2017–2022
Margaret Summerside -
Impact of Time to Surgery Post Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on Breast Cancer Outcomes: A Retrospective Study of Patients Enrolled in the I-SPY 2 Clinical Trial
Julie Van Hassel, MD -
Cryoablation as a Minimally Invasive Alternative to Surgery for Managing Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
Dennis Holmes, MD, FACS
Multidisciplinary Communication in the Era of De-escalation
Moderators: Giacomo Montagna, MD, MPH, FACS; Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Giacomo Montagna, MD, MPH, FACS; Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS -
What to Omit and When: Management of ER+ HER- Axillary Disease
Rachel McCaffrey, MD, FACS -
CDK4/6 Inhibition: What Do Surgeons Need to Know?
Austin Williams, MD, MSEd, FACS -
Omission of Radiation With Nodal pCR to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Jennifer Plichta, MD, MS, FACS -
Omission of Surgery After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Isabel Rubio, MD, PhD -
Outside the Clinical Trials
Moderators: Richard Barth, Jr., MD, FACS; Stephanie Serres, MD, PhD
Welcome and Introduction
Richard Barth, Jr., MD, FACS; Stephanie Serres, MD, PhD -
Evidence for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Theresa Schwartz, MD, MS, FACS -
Ethics of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Jennifer Fieber, MD, FACS -
Spirituality and Religion
Katherina Calvillo, MD, FACS -
Debate: DCIS Should Be Managed With Observation Alone
Moderators: Kari Kansal, MD, FACS; Alastair Thompson, MD, BSc(Hons), MB ChB, MD, FRCSEd FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Kari Kansal, MD, FACS; Alastair Thompson, MD, BSc(Hons), MB ChB, MD, FRCSEd FACS -
Pro: Observation for DCIS
E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPH, FACS -
Con: Surgical Resection for DCIS
Kimberly Van Zee, MS, MD, FACS -
Take Home Message for DCIS Management in 2025
Anna Weiss, MD, FACS
Debate: Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy
Moderators: Rachel Greenup, MD, MPH, FACS; Paige Teller, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Rachel Greenup, MD, MPH, FACS; Paige Teller, MD, FACS -
Pro Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy
Lee Wilke, MD, FACS -
Against Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy
Funda Meric-Bernstam, MD, FACS -
Summary and Best Practice for Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy in 2025
Laura Dominici, MD, FACS -
International Perspective on Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy
Marie Jeanne Vrancken Peeters, MD, PhD
Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer: It Isn’t Just Ductal
Moderators: Anna Beck, MD; Lillian Erdahl, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Anna Beck, MD; Lillian Erdahl, MD, FACS -
Welcome and Introduction
Evelyn Carroll, MD -
Genetics and Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Lauren Gamble, MD -
Surgical Management of the Breast in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Rita Mukhtar, MD, FACS -
Surgical Management of the Axilla in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Michael Cassidy, MD, FACS -
Neoadjuvant Therapy for Invasive Lobular Carcinoma
Meghan Flanagan, MD, MPH, FACS -
“How I Do It” Videos
Moderators: Katrina Mitchell, MD, IBCLC, FACS; Courtney Vito, MD, FACS
Debate: Is Breast Conservation Safer Than Mastectomy?
Moderators: Christine Laronga, MD, FACS; Jennifer Tonneson, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Christine Laronga, MD, FACS; Jennifer Tonneson, MD, FACS -
Pro Mastectomy
Kandace McGuire, MD, FACS -
Pro Breast Conservation Therapy
Mahmoud El-Tamer, MD, FACS -
Summary and Best Practice of Breast Conservation vs Mastectomy in 2025
Stephanie Downs-Canner, MD, FACS -
Ethics of Shared Decision Making in Era as Data Evolve
Puneet Singh, MD, FACS
Keynote Address
Keynote Address Introduction
Judy Boughey, MD, FACS -
Keynote Address: “Re-imagining Stage 0 and 1 Breast Cancer”
Bruce Mann, MBBS, PhD, FRACS
Maximizing Your Breast Surgery Practice
Moderators: Lana Shikhman, MD, FACS; Jennifer Tseng, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Lana Shikhman, MD, FACS; Jennifer Tseng, MD, FACS -
Optimizing APPs in a Successful Breast Practice
Kimberly Hoskins, NP; Melissa Pilewskie, MD, FACS -
Quality of Care: Institutional and Individual Surgeon Assessments
Richard White, Jr., MD, FACS -
Industry Relationships: Navigating the Value and Challenges
Sarah McLaughlin, MD, FACS -
Scientific Oral Presentations 2
Moderators: Catherine Parker, MD, FACS; Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Catherine Parker, MD, FACS; Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS -
Margin Width and Local Recurrence in the NRG Oncology/NSABP B-35 DCIS Lumpectomy Trial
Irene Wapnir, MD -
90 days of Pre-Operative Endocrine Therapy Informs Patient and Physician Preference for Radiation Therapy: Primary results from the Pre-Operative Window of Endocrine Therapy to Inform Radiation Therapy Decisions (POWER) Trial
Shayna Showalter, MD, FACS -
Ultrasound Guided Intratumoral Delivery of Immunotherapy in Breast Cancer
Camille Baumrucker, MD -
Evaluating the Effect of a Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinic on Time to Treatment at an Urban, Safety Net Hospital
Anna Kobzeva-Herzog, MD -
Impact of Quality Improvement Interventions on Biopsy to Treatment Time in Breast Cancer: Results from the PROMPT Quality Collaborative of the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers
Danielle Thompson, MD -
Surgeon Recommendation Drives Receipt of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Women 70 and Over
Heather Neuman, MD -
A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Study to Evaluate Efficacy of Argon Beam Coagulation Versus Conventional Electrosurgical Coagulation for Cutting and Coagulation During Mastectomy with Reconstruction
Stacey Cartner, MD
Cultural Competencies in Breast Surgery
Moderators: Alaina Geary, MD, MHPE; Lauren Postlewait, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Alaina Geary, MD, MHPE; Lauren Postlewait, MD, FACS -
Cultural Awareness in the Care of Breast Cancer Patients
Olga Kantor, MD, FACS -
Screening for Breast Cancer in the Transgender Population
Evelyn Carroll, MD -
Management of High-Risk and Breast Cancer in the Transgender Population
Chandler Cortina, MD, MS, FSSO, FACS -
Racial Disparities in Access and Outcomes for Women with Breast Cancer
Shon Black, MD, FACS, FSSO -
Financial Toxicity
Mary Gemignani, MD, MPH, FACS -
Quickshots Presentations
Moderators: Carla Fisher, MD, MBA, FACS; Marissa Howard-McNatt, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Carla Fisher, MD, MBA, FACS; Marissa Howard-McNatt, MD, FACS -
Neighborhood-Level Disadvantage as a Predictor of Metastatic Breast Cancer at Diagnosis and Delayed Treatment Initiation
Priyanka Parmar, MD -
Second Opinions, Same Standards: Time to Treatment for Breast Cancers Diagnosed Externally
Pooja Varman, MD, MS -
Association of Surgeon Volume with Adherence to American Society of Breast Surgeons Surgical Quality Measures
Kelley Chan, MD, MS -
Evaluating the Impact of a Surgeon-Led Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Program on Endocrine Therapy Uptake
Monika Masanam, MD -
Impact of Pathologic Complete Response on Local-Regional Recurrence in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy and Breast Conserving Surgery
Victoria Huynh, MD -
Low Complication Rates After Invasive Procedures on the Lactating Breast in Patients Treated for Breast Cancer During Pregnancy
Jennifer Chen, MD -
Pitfalls of Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy: Recurrences are in the Nipple and Axilla
Swetha Duraiswamy, MD -
Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA) is Reliably Detected in Patients with Metastatic Malignant Phyllodes Tumors: A Feasibility Study
Ellery Reason
Hoag Hospital Surgical Innovation Forum: Innovative Surgical Techniques
Moderators: Julie Billar, MD; Abhishek Chatterjee, MD, MBA, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Julie Billar, MD; Abhishek Chatterjee, MD, MBA, FACS -
Robotic Mastectomy
Mara Piltin, DO, FACS -
Lymphovenous Bypass and Lymph Node Transfer
Zahraa Al-Hilli, MD, MBA, FACS, FRCSI -
Extreme Oncoplasty
Kristalyn Gallagher, DO, FACOS, FACS -
Minimally Invasive Vacuum Assisted Excision for Small Cancers
Stuart McIntosh, MBChB, PhD -
Advances in Breast Reconstruction
Scott Hollenbeck, MD, FACS -
Scientific Oral Presentations 3
Moderators: Leslie Montgomery, MD, FACS, FSSO; Candice Sauder, MD, MEd, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Leslie Montgomery, MD, FACS, FSSO; Candice Sauder, MD, MEd, FACS -
Reducing Seroma Formation After Mastectomy by Performing Flap Fixation Techniques: A Multi-Center, Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial Including Technical Aspects and Economic Evaluation
Merel Spiekerman van Weezelenburg, MD -
Association of Margin Width and Local Recurrence Following Mastectomy for DCIS
Amanda Nash, MD -
Pre-Treatment Tumor Collagen is Associated with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Pathological Response to Chemo-Immunotherapy
Mackenzie Jones, MD -
Disparities in the Surgical Management of the Axilla by Self-Identified Race in the Multicenter Neoadjuvant I-SPY2 Trial
Mandeep Kaur -
Survival Differences Persist Despite Less Intensive Treatment for Women Diagnosed with Early-Stage Breast Cancer via Active Screening
Melissa Edwards, BSc, MBChB, PGDip, PhD, FRACS -
A Prospective, Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Arm Clinical Trial To Assess the Positive Margin Rate of Breast-Conserving Surgery With or Without the Aid of an Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography System
Alastair Thompson, MD, BSc(Hons), MB ChB, MD, FRCSEd FACS
2024 Best Papers
Welcome and Introduction
Kari Rosenkranz, MD, FACS -
2024 Best Papers
Helen Pass, MD, FACS
Presidential Address
Presidential Address Introduction
Michael Berry, MD, FACS -
Presidential Address
Judy Boughey, MD, FACS
Multidisciplinary Care and Tumor Biology
Moderators: Elizabeth Mittendorf, MD, PhD, FACS; Jamie Wagner, DO, MBA, FACOS, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Elizabeth Mittendorf, MD, PhD, FACS; Jamie Wagner, DO, MBA, FACOS, FACS -
Debate: All Patients Should Be Treated With Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy Followed by Surgery
Laura Esserman, MD, MBA, FACS -
Standard of Care Remains Upfront Surgery Followed by Systemic Therapy
Armando Giuliano, MD, FACS -
Optimal Management Strategy in 2025
Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS -
Indications and Benefits of Immunotherapy: Triple-negative Breast Cancer and Luminal Breast Cancer
Julia Tchou, MD, PhD, FACS -
Perioperative Management of Patients on Immunotherapy: Important Information for Surgeons and Anethesia
Tina Hieken, MD, FACS -
Debate: Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Is Recommended After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Residual Node Positive Disease
Marie Jeanne Vrancken Peeters, MD, PhD -
Radiation Therapy Can Replace Axillary Lymph Node Dissection for Residual Node Positive Disease After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Walter Weber, MD -
Management of Residual Node Positive Disease in 2025 While We Await More Data
Kelly Hunt, MD, FACS -
Your ASBrS: We Are Your Society
Annual Business Meeting
Salary Survey
Eric Manahan, MD, MBA, FACS -
2024-2025 ASBrS Year in Review
Judy Boughey, MD, FACS -
Changes in Breast Surgical Oncology Fellowship Training Experience Over the Years
Andrea Madrigrano, MD -
Analysis of the 2024 Breast Surgical Oncology Fellowship Match: Survey of Applicants and Program Directors Preferences Regarding In-Person vs Virtual Interviews
Jennifer Plichta, MD, MS, FACS -
Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation Awards
Sarah Blair, MD, FACS -
Recognition of Newly Certified Individuals
Michele Carpenter, MD, FACS; Nicole Demos, PA-C -
Meet the ASBrS Board and Staff and Awards Presentation
Management of Unique Populations
Moderators: Lesly Dossett, MD, MPH, FACS; Susan Kesmodel, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Lesly Dossett, MD, MPH, FACS; Susan Kesmodel, MD, FACS -
Elderly: When to Stop Screening, Omission of Surgery (endocrine therapy alone vs cyroblation)
Ingrid Lizarraga, MBBS, FACS -
Pregnant Patient and Pregnancy After Breast Cancer
Jacqueline Jeruss, MD, PhD, FACS -
Recurrent Breast Cancer
Mary Mrdutt, MD, MS, FACS -
Adolescent and Young Adults: Management and Survivorship
Candice Sauder, MD, MEd, FACS -
Male Breast Cancer
Lucy De La Cruz, MD, FACS -
Communicating With Our Patients
Moderators: Vivian Bea, MD, MBS, FACS; Jillian Smith, MD, MPH, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Vivian Bea, MD, MBS, FACS; Jillian Smith, MD, MPH, FACS -
Patient Perspective
Amanda Echalaz, BMus Hons -
Empathy is Not as Easy as It Sounds
Rakhshanda Layeequr Rahman, MD, FACS -
Shared Decision-Making Tools
Julie Margenthaler, MD, FACS -
Integrating Patient-reported Outcomes Into Patient Counseling
Sarah Tevis, MD, FACS -
Axillary Management in 2025 and Beyond
Moderators: Steven Cai, MD, FACS; Jennifer Plichta, MD, MS, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Steven Cai, MD, FACS; Jennifer Plichta, MD, MS, FACS -
Axillary Surgery in the Clinically Negative Axilla in Patients Undergoing Upfront Surgery?
Oluwadamilola “Lola” Fayanju, MD, MA, MPHS, FACS -
Axillary Surgery for Patients With Ultrasound Biopsy Positive Node(s) [cN1 disease] Undergoing Upfront Surgery
Akiko Chiba, MD, FACS -
Axillary Management of 1-2 Positive Nodes After Treatment With Neoadjuvant Endocrine Therapy
Arielle Stafford, MD, FACS -
Is Axillary Lymph Node Dissection Required in cN2/N3 Disease with Imaging Response After Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy?
Roshni Rao, MD, FACS -
Omission of Radiation in cN+ Disease with Response to Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy
ASBrS Benign Breast Disease Guidelines
Moderators: Helen Pass, MD, FACS; Katharine Yao, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Helen Pass, MD, FACS; Katharine Yao, MD, FACS -
Fibroadenoma and Fibroepithelial Lesions and Benign Phyllodes
Lorraine Tafra, MD, FACS -
Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis, Lactational Mastitis and Squamous Metaplasia of the Lactiferous Ducts
Katrina Mitchell, MD, IBCLC, FACS -
Atypia and Lobular Carcinoma in Situ
Tari King, MD, FACS, FSSO -
Other Benign Lesions
Amanda Amin, MD, MS, FACS -
Key Updates From National and International Meetings
Moderators: Toan Nguyen, MD, FACS; Shayna Showalter, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Toan Nguyen, MD, FACS; Shayna Showalter, MD, FACS -
Lisa Newman, MD, MPH, FACS, FASCO, FSSO -
San Antonio
Henry Kuerer, MD, PhD, FACS -
St Gallen
Walter Weber, MD -
The Lancet Breast Cancer Commission
Stuart McIntosh, MBChB, PhD -
Closing Ceremony: Vision of ASBrS for 2025-2026
Presenters: Michael Berry, MD, FACS; Judy Boughey, MD, FACS