This is an archived webpage for the 2023 Annual Meeting.
View the up-to-date Agenda for the 2025 Annual Meeting.
View the up-to-date Agenda for the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Annual Meeting Agenda
This year's meeting focused on the latest science, surgical innovations, and practice-changing information for breast surgeons. We planned a variety of learning opportunities and networking events. Our Pre-Meeting Program began Wednesday, April 26. New courses included: cryotherapy, leadership, and practice building.
All General Session content is held at the Hynes Convention Center, 2nd Level, Exhibit Hall D.
Wednesday, April 26
Evening Industry Symposia
Wed, April 26, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Hynes, 3rd Level
Thursday, April 27
Thu, April 27, 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Presenters: Nathalie Johnson, MD, FACS; Brigid Killelea, MD, MPH, FACS
Coding and Reimbursement Symposium
Thu, April 27, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Moderators: Richard Fine, MD, FACS; Walton Taylor, MD, FACS
E&M Documentation
Richard Fine, MD, FACS -
RVUs: How do I Reach the 50th Percentile?
Walton Taylor, MD, FACS -
FAQs and Difficult Coding Scenarios: An Interactive Conversation
Richard Fine, MD, FACS; Walton Taylor, MD, FACS -
Evening Industry Symposium
Thu, April 27, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Hynes, 2nd Level, Exhibit Hall D
Opening Reception
Thu, April 27, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Hynes, 2nd Level, Exhibit Hall C
Friday, April 28
Breakfast Industry Symposia
Fri, April 28, 6:15 AM – 7:45 AM
Sheraton, 2nd Level
Fri, April 28, 8:00 AM – 8:15 AM
Presenters: Nathalie Johnson, MD, FACS; Brigid Killelea, MD, MPH, FACS
John Wayne Critical Issues in Breast Cancer Forum: 2023 Controversial Issues in Breast Surgery
Fri, April 28, 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM
Supported by a grant from the John Wayne Cancer Foundation
Moderators: Jennifer Garreau, MD; Katharine Yao, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Jennifer Garreau, MD; Katharine Yao, MD, FACS -
Neoadjuvant Radiation
Puneet Singh, MD, FACS -
Repeat Lumpectomy After BCT
Nora Hansen, MD, FACS -
Radiation vs Axillary Dissection for Low Volume Disease in Mastectomy Patients
Jennifer Bellon, MD, FACS -
Axillary Surgery After NET in Young Patients
Cory Donovan, MD -
Breast Imaging Update
Fri, April 28, 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM
Moderator: Ronda Henry-Tillman, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Ronda Henry-Tillman, MD, FACS -
Fast MRI vs Contrast Enhanced Mammography
Constance Lehman, MD -
Does Everyone Over 20% Risk Need an MRI?
Kelly Hunt, MD, FACS -
The Use of AI in Breast Imaging
Constance Lehman, MD -
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Fri, April 28, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Dealing With Adversity / Uncomfortable Situations
Fri, April 28, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Moderators: Jill Dietz, MD, MHCM, FACS; Shawna Willey, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Jill Dietz, MD, MHCM, FACS; Shawna Willey, MD, FACS -
Dealing With Adversity
Alyssa Throckmorton, MD, FACS -
How to Handle a Bad Outcome
Jo Shapiro, MD, FACS -
Facing Gender Inequity at Work
Leigh Neumayer, MD, FACS -
Getting Sued
Julie Margenthaler, MD, FACS -
Presidential Address
Fri, April 28, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Presidential Address Introduction
Susan Boolbol, MD, FACS -
"A Long Time Ago in the Future"
Nathalie Johnson, MD, FACS
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Fri, April 28, 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM
Scientific Oral Presentations I
Fri, April 28, 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM
Moderators: Sarah Blair, MD, FACS; Emilia Diego, MD, FACS
Sarah Blair, MD, FACS; Emilia Diego, MD, FACS -
The Benefits of a Clinically Based Individualized Exercise Oncology Program on Quality of Life and Health Care Costs for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients
Karen Wonders, PhD, FACSM -
A Randomized Double-Blinded Study Comparing Timing of PEC Block for Post-Operative Pain in Bilateral Mastectomy Patients
Kai Huang, MD -
A Randomized Control Pilot of Prehabilitation During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Women With Breast Cancer: A Mixed Methods Study
Frances Wright, MD, FRCSC -
Intraoperative Pathology Assessment May Lead to Overtreatment of the Axilla in Clinically Node-Negative Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Upfront Mastectomy
Robert Pride, MD -
Impact of Postoperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis on Surgical Site Infection Rates After Mastectomy Without Reconstruction: A Multicenter, Double-Blinded, Randomized Control Trial
Abida Sattar, MD -
Timeliness of Breast Diagnostic Imaging and Biopsy in Practice—15 Years of Collecting, Comparing, and Defining Quality Breast Cancer Care
Cory Donovan, MD
"How I Do It" Videos
Fri, April 28, 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Moderator: Courtney Vito, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Courtney Vito, MD, FACS -
Superior Approach To Nipple Reconstruction in Centrally Located Breast Cancers
Stephanie Young, MD, MPH -
Goldilocks Mastectomy
Kyra Nicholson, MD -
Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with Wise Pattern Skin Reduction and Tissue Expander Placement
Elsa Chahine, MD -
Angel Wings Technique
Eve Klenotic, DO, FACS -
Surgical Treatment In Patients With Incidental Breast Carcinoma In The Setting Of Reduction Mammoplasty
Javier Orozco, MD -
Kenalog Injection in Granulomatous Mastitis
Katrina Mitchell, MD, FACS
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Fri, April 28, 3:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Annual Business Meeting
Fri, April 28, 4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Presenter: Nathalie Johnson, MD, FACS
The Great Debates
Fri, April 28, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Moderator: Susan Boolbol, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Susan Boolbol, MD, FACS -
Neoadjuvant Endocrine for Premenopausal Women (Yes)
J. Michael Dixon, OBE, MD -
Neoadjuvant Endocrine for Premenopausal Women (No)
Judy Boughey, MD, FACS -
Should Lymph Nodes Be Clipped at Time of Biopsy? (Yes)
Michael Alvarado, MD, FACS -
Should Lymph Nodes Be Clipped at Time of Biopsy? (No)
Monica Morrow, MD, FACS
Quickshot Presentations
Fri, April 28, 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM
Moderators: Lauren Postlewait, MD, FACS; Miraj Shah-Khan, MD, FACS
Lauren Postlewait, MD, FACS; Miraj Shah-Khan, MD, FACS -
Does Preoperative MRI Reduce Positive Margins After Breast Conserving Surgery?
Ashley Cairns, MD -
A Randomized Trial Comparing the Effectiveness of Pre-test Genetic Counseling Using an Artificial Intelligence Automated Program Chatbot and Traditional In-person Genetic Counseling in Women Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Zahraa Al-Hilli, MD -
Predictors of Early Versus Late Recurrence in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast: Impact of Local and Systemic Therapy
Rita Mukhtar, MD -
The POWER-PAK Score Characterizes Tumor Response to Three Months of Preoperative Endocrine Therapy
Max Meneveau, MD -
Lymph Node Positivity of Axillary Reverse Mapping Lymph Nodes Following Axillary Lymph Node Dissection, 2 Site Prospective Study
Molly Benolken, MD -
Is 'Choosing Wisely' Wise for Lobular Carcinoma in Patients Over 70? A National Cancer Database (NCDB) Analysis of Sentinel Node Practice Patterns
Nicole Goldhaber, MD -
Local Steroid Injection in Severe Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis as a New First-Line Treatment Modality With Promising Therapeutic Efficacy
Neslihan Cabioglu, MD, PhD -
Does Non-classical Lobular Carcinoma In Situ at the Lumpectomy Margin Increase Local Recurrence?
Anna Beck, MD
Poster Session and Reception
Fri, April 28, 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Sheraton, 2nd Level, Grand Ballroom
Evening Industry Symposia
Fri, April 28, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Sheraton, 2nd Level
Saturday, April 29
Breast Cancer Disparities: Beyond Big Data
Sat, April 29, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Moderator: Kathie-Ann Joseph, MD, MPH, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Kathie-Ann Joseph, MD, MPH, FACS -
Understanding Genomics
Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS -
The Effect of African Ancestry for US Women
Lisa Newman, MD, MPH, FACS, FASCO -
Socioeconomic Disparities
Sharon Lum, MD, MBA, FACS -
Breast Cancer in Latin American Women
Jane Mendez, MD, FACS -
Keynote Address
Sat, April 29, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Keynote Introduction
Nathalie Johnson, MD, FACS -
"Making Complex Decisions and the Evolution of Focused Practice Designation: A Study in Organizational Effectiveness"
Jo Buyske, MD, FACS
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Sat, April 29, 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Hoag Hospital Surgical Innovation Forum: The Surgeon’s Role in Breast Surgery Innovation
Sat, April 29, 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
Supported by a grant from Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Moderators: Carla Fisher, MD, MBA, FACS; Terry Sarantou, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO
Welcome and Introduction
Carla Fisher, MD, MBA, FACS; Terry Sarantou, MD, MS, FACS, FSSO -
Cryoablation for Breast Surgeons
Rache Simmons, MD, MBA, MS, FACS -
Newest Targeted Therapies / Immunotherapies
Elizabeth Mittendorf, MD, PhD, FACS -
Sensation Preserving Mastectomy
Anne Peled, MD -
The Best Papers of 2022
Sat, April 29, 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Presenter: Helen Pass, MD, FACS
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Sat, April 29, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Exercise Oncology
Sat, April 29, 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Moderators: Jay Harness, MD, FACS; Sarah McLaughlin, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Jay Harness, MD, FACS; Sarah McLaughlin, MD, FACS -
What Is the Evidence and What Are the Guidelines?
Kathryn Schmitz, PhD, MPH -
Patient Experience
Liz O'Riordan, MD, PhD -
Motivating Patients to Move
Ashley Crowell, MS, PA-C -
Scientific Oral Presentations II
Sat, April 29, 1:45 PM – 3:00 PM
Moderators: Tina Hieken, MD, FACS; Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS
Tina Hieken, MD, FACS; Mediget Teshome, MD, MPH, FACS -
Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) With or Without Whole Breast Treatment (WBRx)
Katherine Kramme, DO -
To Dissect or Not to Dissect: Can We Predict the Presence of Four or More Axillary Lymph Node Metastases in Postmenopausal Women With cN0 Breast Cancer?
Clara Farley, MD -
Patterns of Mammographic Surveillance in Women With Elderly Breast Cancer
Elizabeth Berger, MD, MS -
De-implementation of Low-Value Care in Women ≥70 Years With Low-Risk Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ton Wang, MD -
Intraoperative Pegulicianine Fluorescence Guidance for Tumor Detection During Lumpectomy Surgery for Stage 0-III Breast Cancer
Barbara Smith, MD, PhD -
Neoadjuvant Pembrolizumab + Chemotherapy vs Placebo + Chemotherapy Followed by Adjuvant Pembrolizumab vs Placebo for Early TNBC: Surgical Outcomes From the Phase 3 KEYNOTE-522 Study
Heather McArthur, MD, MPH
Break in the Exhibit Hall
Sat, April 29, 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Oncoplastics and Reconstruction
Sat, April 29, 3:30 PM – 4:15 PM
Moderator: Kari Rosenkranz, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Kari Rosenkranz, MD, FACS -
Troubleshooting and Complications
J. Michael Dixon, OBE, MD -
Oncoplastics to Use on Monday
V. Suzanne Klimberg, MD, PhD, MSHCT, FACS -
Unreconstructed Mastectomy
Sharon Lum, MD, MBA, FACS -
Health/Sexual Health Among Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors
Sat, April 29, 4:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Moderator: Betty Fan, DO, FACOS
Welcome and Introduction
Betty Fan, DO, FACOS -
Managing Endocrine Therapy Side Effects
Anna Weiss, MD, FACS -
Let’s Talk About Sex
Jennifer Gass, MD, FACS -
Topical Estrogens and Lubricants
Liz O'Riordan, MD, PhD -
2022 Trial Results to Implement Now
Sat, April 29, 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM
Moderators: Judy Boughey, MD, FACS; Ted James, MD, MHCM, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Judy Boughey, MD, FACS; Ted James, MD, MHCM, FACS -
COMET Trial Update
E. Shelley Hwang, MD, MPH, FACS -
Surgery After NAC
Jennifer Garreau, MD -
Delayed Sentinel Node for DCIS
Jill Dietz, MD, MHCM, FACS -
I-SPY Update
Laura Esserman, MD, FACS -
President's Reception & Awards Presentation
Sat, April 29, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Sheraton, Grand Ballroom
Sunday, April 30
Management of High-Risk Patients
Sun, April 30, 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Moderators: Hiram Cody, MD, FACS; Melissa Pilewskie, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Hiram Cody, MD, FACS; Melissa Pilewskie, MD, FACS -
Pleomorphic LCIS
Tari King, MD, FACS, FSSO -
How Effective Is Chemoprevention and How to Get Patients to Take It
Steve Cai, MD, FACS -
Risk Based Screening / Following High-Risk Patients
Christine Klassen, MD -
Surgical and Non-surgical Management of Lymphedema
Sun, April 30, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Moderator: Jennifer Plichta, MD, MS, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Jennifer Plichta, MD, MS, FACS -
Diagnosis and Non-surgical Management
Andrea Barrio, MD, FACS -
Lymphovenous Bypass and Lymph Node Transfer
Sheldon Feldman, MD, FACS -
Surgical Prevention ARM
V. Suzanne Klimberg, MD, PhD, MSHCT, FACS -
Benign Breast Questions
Sun, April 30, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Moderator: Michael Cassidy, MD, FACS
Welcome and Introduction
Michael Cassidy, MD, FACS -
Lactational Issues for Breast Surgeons
Katrina Mitchell, MD, FACS -
Granulomatous Mastitis: What’s New?
Sylvia Reyes, MD, MBS, FACS -
Breast Masses in Adolescents
Jennifer Tseng, MD, FACS -