View the up-to-date information for the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Endocrine Therapy for Surgeons
7:30 AM–11:00 AM
Course Description:
“Endocrine Therapy for Surgeons” is designed to provide surgeons with an understanding of endocrine therapy best practices. Like all early-stage breast cancers, there are swift advances for the hormone-receptor positive patient population, such as a decline in chemotherapy use based on genomic assay results, and the addition of CDK 4/6 inhibitors, with new agents being developed all the time. While these swift advances are great for patients, it can be difficult for providers to stay current. For surgeons who do not currently prescribe endocrine therapy themselves, this course will enhance their knowledge base, expand their consideration of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy, improve their ability to discuss options and alternatives with their patients, and solidify when to refer to their medical oncology colleagues. For surgeons who do their own prescribing, this course will present the most up-to-date agents for the neo- and adjuvant treatment settings, discuss the controversies regarding surgery after neoadjuvant endocrine therapy, and present cutting edge symptom management techniques.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Choose the most appropriate neoadjuvant and adjuvant endocrine agent for each patient
- Understand the safety and controversies of surgery after neoadjuvant endocrine therapy
- Manage straightforward side effects of adjuvant endocrine therapy
- Refer to medical oncology when appropriate
CME Information:
7:00 AM | Check-in and Breakfast
7:30 AM | Welcome and Introduction
Anna Weiss, MD, FACS; Pat Whitworth, MD, FACS, FSSO |
7:35 AM | Endocrine Therapy 101: Agents, Side Effects, Duration
J. Michael Dixon, OBE, MD |
8:00 AM | Novel Agents and Biomarkers in Decision Making
Otto Metzger, MD |
8:25 AM | Surgery After NET
Anna Weiss, MD, FACS |
8:50 AM | Q&A
9:05 AM | Break
9:20 AM | Preventing and Managing AI Associated Osteopenia / Osteoporosis
Peter Beitsch, MD, FACS |
9:45 AM | Managing Sexual Side Effects of Endocrine Therapy
Kristin Rojas, MD, FACS |
10:10 AM | Summary of Published Data: How I Do It
Pat Whitworth, MD, FACS, FSSO |
10:35 AM | Q&A
11:00 AM | Adjourn