This is an archived webpage for the 2019 Annual Meeting.
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2019 Official Proceedings (pdf)
20th Annual Meeting Poster Gallery
April 30–May 5, 2019, Dallas, TX
Posters currently available to view online are listed at the top of the sections below. Posters PDFs are added as they are received. You can search for a poster by author, poster number, or title.
Age Extremes | ||
581459 | Quantifying the relationship between age at diagnosis and risk of breast cancer-specific mortality. | Helen Johnson |
575735 | Screening Mammography Remains Effective among Older Women | Brittany Murphy |
581715 | Breast Cancer Biology, Stage of Presentation, and Treatment in the Extremes of Age | Jennifer Plichta |
581617 | Effect of Hospital Volume on Overall Survival after Surgery in Elderly Breast Cancer Patients | Sam Thalji |
582034 | Treatment trends in early breast cancer in elderly women in the US between 2005 and 2015 using the NCDB | Waed Alswealmeen |
581577 | Comparing tumor characteristics and treatment among young women with breast cancer: Age <35 versus 35-40 | Jesse Casaubon |
580161 | A Ten-Year Review of Non-Operative Management for Hormone-Receptor Positive Breast Cancer in Elderly Patients | Rebekah Macfie |
578799 | Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in the Elderly Patient with Breast Cancer: Who Needs It? | Autumn Shobe |
580246 | Are We Overtreating Young Women with Early Stage Breast Cancer who Elect Mastectomy over Breast Conservation Surgery? | Audree Tadros |
Benign | ||
582217 | Assessing the Clinical Outcomes of a Multidisciplinary Benign Breast Conference | Will Gunderson |
581845 | Benign papilloma excised at an NAPBC-accredited breast center: analysis of local upgrade rates for use in patient counseling | Rubie S. Jackson |
576226 | Lactational phlegmon: a distinct clinical entity within the mastitis-abscess spectrum | Katrina Mitchell |
580505 | Cryotherapy for Benign Breast Lesions - Preliminary Results of a Single Center Experience | Richard Wagner |
581713 | Benign intraductal papilloma: is surgical excision warranted? | Siun Walsh |
531044 | Upgrade rates of atypical ductal hyperplasia and flat epithelial atypia in core-needle biopsies in a community hospital with a large minority population | Micaela Weaver |
581821 | Does previous history of cancer or atypia predict histologic upgrade for pure intraductal papillomas diagnosed via core biopsy? A study of 511 cases at a single institution | Jamie Alberty-Oller |
582159 | Timing Reduction Mammaplasty in the Adolescent Patient | Joseph Firriolo |
582177 | The Mother Infant Lactation Questionnaire (MILQ): A Validated Instrument to Assess Breastfeeding Performance | Joseph Firriolo |
575396 | Benign, Atypical, and Malignant Breast Adenomyoepithelioma: A Single Institution’s Experience | Naomi Wiens |
Complications | ||
581677 | Short-term complications and their risk factors after breast surgery utilizing the NSQIP database | Ashley Marumoto |
CPM | ||
578969 | Striving to Do No Harm and yet Respect Patient Autonomy: Plastic Surgeons’ Perspectives of the Consultation for Breast Reconstruction with Women Who Have Early Stage Breast Cancer | Selina Schmocker |
576730 | Contralateral prophylactic mastectomies lead to increased surgical complications: a coarsened exact matching analysis of the national surgical quality improvement program (NSQIP) database. | Maryam Elmi |
581622 | Does Bilateral Mastectomy Improve Psychosocial Outcomes and Satisfaction Among Unilateral, Non-Hereditary Breast Cancer Patients? | Catherine Pesce |
Current Accruing Prospective Clinical Trials | ||
581918 | Radioactive Iodine Seed Localization in Axilla with Sentinel Node Biopsy (RISAS): A Prospective Trial on Axillary Staging After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Node Positive Breast Cancer | Janine Simons |
577360 | Pre-mastectomy radiotherapy feasibility trial to facilitate immediate autologous breast reconstruction: A prospective cohort within a randomized clinical trial | Puneet Singh |
581643 | Interim Analysis of the DCISionRT PREDICT Study: Clinical Utility of a Biologic Signature Predictive of Radiation Therapy Benefit in Patients with DCIS | Troy Bremer |
581738 | Eliminating Narcotic Use with Institutional Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Protocol in Autologous Breast Reconstruction Patients Following Mastectomy: A Pilot Study | Christopher McGreevy |
DCIS | ||
582075 | Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in a Contemporary Cohort of Women with DCIS | Alison Price |
579850 | A Comparison of Local Recurrence Risk Estimates After Breast-Conserving Surgery for DCIS: DCIS Nomogram Vs Refined Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Score™ | Kimberly J. Van Zee |
581911 | Is sentinel lymph node biopsy necessary in patients with ductal carcinoma undergoing mastectomy? | Alessandra Mele |
582005 | Local Recurrences After Treatment for Ductal Carcinoma in Situ: Comparing Four Different Treatment Modalities | Azadeh Carr |
581618 | Factors Which May Predict Complete Removal of DCIS on Diagnostic Core Needle Biopsy | Emil Fernando |
576124 | Physician Comfort and Knowledge Level Regarding Observation of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ at Accredited Breast Centers. | Elizabeth Poli |
Disparities | ||
578645 | Is Metabolic Syndrome associated with decreased survival in African American breast cancer patients? | Jennifer Bayron |
557095 | Advanced Stage at Presentation in Breast Cancer Patients in a Rural, Resource-Limited State | Jennifer Bishop |
581889 | Safety Net Hospital Designation Influences Worse Survival Rates in Breast Cancer | Carissia Calvo |
581029 | Disparities in the Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer: A SEER Population-Based Study | Ashley DiPasquale |
581523 | The Influence of State Funded Cancer Care Treatment Program on Clinical Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients | Danier Moore |
582078 | Institutional Variations in the Treatment of Early-Stage Breast Cancer | Apoorve Nayyar |
582201 | Breast Tumors in Obese Women Have Worse Prognostic Features | Susanna Nazarian |
581633 | Bankruptcy among Indiana Breast Cancer patients: who is at risk? | Samilia Obeng-Gyasi |
581593 | Implications of Race on Presentation, Treatment, and Survival among Non-Metastatic Indiana Breast Cancer patients | Samilia Obeng-Gyasi |
581921 | Characteristics of Hispanic Breast Cancer Patients in an Urban Setting | Katherine Ottaviano |
581880 | Genetic Variants Among Minority Patients | Kathryn Ottaviano |
581031 | Evaluation of Age and Stage at Time of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Between Racial Groups in a Safety Net Hospital: Are current screening recommendations missing the mark in underserved, racially diverse populations? | Hayoung Park |
581613 | Breast cancer in Chinese women: a comparative analysis | Luona Sun |
Genetics | ||
581929 | Defining Expectations of Future Biopsy and Frequency of Benign or Malignant Results of BRCA1/2 Positive Patients Undergoing Active Surveillance | Kareen Ayre |
581809 | Clinical management of high-risk breast cancer patients with variants of uncertain significance in the era of multigene panel testing | Jenny Chang |
580976 | Genetic Risk and Compliance with Risk Reduction in a High Risk Breast Population | Amy Pratt |
578732 | Choosing High-Risk Screening vs. Surgery and the Effect of Treatment Modality on Anxiety and Breast-Specific Sensuality in BRCA Mutation Carriers | Kristin Rojas |
582132 | Genetic Screening Intervention: Identifying Carrier Status with a History of Cancer | Robin Sanders |
581461 | Clinical and pathological features of breast cancer among men and women with ATM and CDH1 mutations | Ashley Tsang |
577316 | Prophylactic bilateral mastectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers | Jessica Haddad |
582196 | Polygenic risk scores in breast cancer risk assessment: clinical experience and management challenges | John Zimmerman |
Imaging | ||
580961 | Low Dose Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI) in the Surgical Setting: Initial Clinical Experience | Stanley Pollak |
581535 | Follow-up and Diagnosis of Breast Incidentalomas on Abdominal and Chest MRI | Samantha Rios |
581319 | Overuse of Pre-Operative Staging in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer | Marissa Srour |
580846 | Predicting pathologic nodal response following neoadjuvant chemotherapy for invasive breast cancer utilizing sequential axillary nodal imaging techniques. | Marielle Ferstenberg |
581700 | Moving Breast MRI Requests to Primary Care While Avoiding Unnecessary Tests | Cary Kaufman |
581630 | Cryoablation alone for breast cancer: early results from the FROST trial. | Elaine Jayne Buckley |
580448 | Detectibility and Usefulness of Breast Ultrasound in Capsular Contracture Diagnosis | Jae Hong Kim |
579428 | Ultrasonographic Evaluation With Breast Implant Checklist After Breast Augmentation | Angela Soeun Lee |
580531 | Impact of biennial versus annual mammography screening on breast cancer stage at diagnosis, after stratifying for risk | Briana Leung |
582074 | The Effect of Ultrasound Screening on Malignant Breast Lesions after Implementation of the Dense Breast Notification Law | Pabel Miah |
580685 | : Breast cancer detection using multimodality breast cancer screening techniques is influenced by breast tissue density | Megan Obi |
Localization | ||
581771 | Does bracketing reduce positive margin rates in patients undergoing partial mastectomy? | Anees Chagpar |
581815 | Results of a phase I, prospective, non-randomized study evaluating a Magnetic Occult Lesion Localization Instrument (MOLLI) for excision of non-palpable breast lesions | Nicole Look Hong |
580503 | Radiofrequency Identification Tag Localization is Comparable to Wire Localization for Non-Palpable Breast Lesions | Caroline McGugin |
581650 | Prospective Trial of Magnetic Seed Localization of Clipped Nodes | Janine Simons |
582194 | Reflector Localized Axillary Lymph Node Biopsy: A Novel Aide in Axillary Staging After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Node-Positive Breast Cancer | Tara Balija |
580284 | Management of focal mastectomy flap thickness in breast cancer patients: a novel approach | Erica Giblin |
580274 | Radar localization for targeted excision of suspicious axillary lymph nodes | Erica Giblin |
581780 | Utilizing Business Intelligence and Lean System Applications to Improve Efficiency in Breast Surgery | Maggie Hannah |
579879 | Intraoperative Ultrasound Guidance with an US Visible Clip: a Practical and Cost-Effective Option for Breast Cancer Localization | John Konen |
582088 | I. Intraoperative wire needle localization of non- palpable lesions: experience in a public hospital in São Paulo, Brazil | Danielle Martin Matsumoto |
581631 | Hospital system rollout and initial experience with stainless steel magnetized seeds for breast and lymph node localization | Megan Megan |
581934 | Savi Scout vs Wire Localization: Is one more efficient for OR utilization? | Ashley A. Woodfin |
LRR | ||
581227 | Outcomes of Selective Whole Breast Irradiation Following Lumpectomy with Intraoperative Radiation Therapy for Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer | Kristy Kummerow Broman |
582052 | Long-term survival following sentinel lymph node biopsy in clinically node negative breast cancer patients treated with primary surgery or neoadjuvant chemotherapy | Janine Simons |
582114 | Impact of progesterone receptor status on rates of recurrence in oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients – a systematic review and meta-analysis | Michael Boland |
582170 | Does Managing Vitamin D (VD) Levels Improve Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients? | Jessica Gooch |
Lymphedema | ||
582008 | The Use of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Simplified Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (S-LYMPHA) for the Prevention of Lymphedema After Axillary Lymph Node Dissection | Ahkeel Allen |
581562 | Long Term Analysis of Lymphedema Diagnosed with Bioimpedance in Patients with Early Stage Breast Cancer | Lisa Poole |
Male Breast Cancer | ||
582055 | How Often is the Nipple Areolar Complex Involved in Male Breast Cancer Patients? Breaking the Myth. | Lucy De La Cruz |
582433 | Demographic, Clinical, and Survival Disparities in Males with Metastatic Breast Cancer | Austin Williams |
Margins | ||
581432 | Impact of Consensus Guidelines for Breast-Conserving Surgery in DCIS | Abby Tremelling |
581798 | MarginProbe Use Reduced Positive Margins and Lumpectomy Volumes | Calvin Ridgeway |
581663 | The Case for MarginProbe in the Era of No Ink on Tumor - Impact on Re-Excision and Tissue Volume Using Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Post Consensus Guidelines | Rhonda Wachsmuth |
581642 | Differences in Re-excision Rates for Breast Conserving Surgery using Intraoperative 2D vs. 3D Tomosynthesis Specimen Radiograph | Andrea Colton |
581586 | Accuracy of Intraoperative Gross Margin Assessment in Partial Mastectomy | John Konen |
581967 | Can imaging-guided selective margin resection during lumpectomy for invasive breast cancer result in low re-excision rates? | Natalie McClintock |
NAC | ||
577947 | Changes in Surgical Management Over Time in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy | Minna Lee |
577343 | Survival Outcomes in Patients with Complete Response Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: is Omitting Surgery an Option? | Enver Ozkurt |
581935 | Breast cancer with a higher proportion of tumor cells staining positive for Her2 is more likely to have complete pathologic response and better clinical outcome after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. | Maria Pomponio |
576750 | Patterns in Utilization of Axillary Operations in Patients with Node-Positive Breast Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A National Cancer Database (NCDB) Analysis | Marissa Srour |
582099 | Impact of progesterone receptor status on response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients - should we be changing our approach? | Michael Boland |
577632 | Is MRI an Accurate Predictor of Nodal Status after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy? | Chandler Cortina |
582126 | Time to Initiation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer treatment does not influence patient survival: a National Cancer Database study | Devon Livingston-Rosanoff |
570881 | De-escalation of breast surgery after neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer – could we do better? | Emily Mackay |
574500 | Impact of Surgical Timing on Postoperative Complications Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer | Tom Sutton |
NSM | ||
578873 | Breast specific sensuality and appearance satisfaction: A comparison of breast conserving surgery and nipple sparing mastectomy | Jesse Casaubon |
581255 | Three years of follow up in 52 patients with nipple-sparing mastectomy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. | Leonardo Paese Nissen |
Oncoplastics | ||
581739 | Minimally invasive breast surgery through unique incision approach for early breast cancer - an analytical description of 94 cases. | Silvio Bromberg |
581592 | Evaluating need for additional imaging and biopsy after oncoplastic breast conserving surgery | Angelena Crown |
581609 | Oncoplastic Neoareolar Reduction Mammoplasty with Immediate Nipple Reconstruction: Expanding Indications for Breast Conserving Therapy | Angelena Crown |
563975 | Bilateral paravertebral nerve blocks are associated with reduced opioid use and pain scores after Level 2 volume displacement oncoplastic breast surgery. | Liz Lin |
581807 | Effectiveness and safety attributable to oncoplastic surgery as an adjuvant therapy for idiopathic granulomatous mastitis due to breast tuberculosis | Mirian Pinto Paz |
580119 | Chest Wall Perforator Flap For Partial Breast Reconstruction: Value Addition For Oncoplastic Techniques | Sanjit Agrawal |
582101 | Assessing the impact of a hands-on oncoplastic course on surgeons’ practices | Fernando Angarita |
582104 | Oncoplastic surgery is not associated with increased complications when compared to standard breast conserving surgery: An analysis of the NSQIP database | Fernando Angarita |
581340 | Intraoperative Continuous Ultrasonography Guided Oncoplastic Surgery: Margin Assessment and Selective Cavity Shaving | Aktug Buzkan |
581559 | Breast conserving surgery with partial breast reconstruction or reduction mammoplasty followed by whole breast radiation therapy (WBRT). | Lisa Chapa |
581953 | Patient Satisfaction with Breasts Following Single Stage Oncoplastic Reduction Mammoplasty—Does Radiation Impact BREAST-Q? | Cory Donovan |
581515 | Prepectoral One Stage Breast Reconstruction: single institution patient outcomes in 113 consecutive cases | Ayesha Khan |
581040 | Interest in Oncoplastic Surgery Within Breast Surgical Oncology and Plastic Surgery | Yurie Sekigami |
581107 | Initial Experience of Round Block Mammoplasty (RBM) for Benign and Malignant Tumors: Is It The First Step to Advanced Oncoplasty in Low/Middle Income Countries (LMICs)? | Salim Soomro |
573638 | Oncoplastic level 2 mammoplasty for large DCIS: five-year results | RFD van la Parra |
Other | ||
580724 | Outcomes of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Compared to Breast Conserving Surgery in Breast Cancer Patients | Nafasat Farooqi |
581261 | Intraoperative ketorolac use does not increase the risk of bleeding complications in breast surgery | Thais Fortes |
581241 | Patient-reported symptoms in the perioperative period of breast cancer treatment | Courtney Fulton |
582157 | Implementing a Safe and Feasible Ambulatory Mastectomy Program | Jenna Gillen |
581186 | Generating awareness among Indian population through survivors: an innovative model for developing countries. | Agnimita Giri Sarkar |
578105 | 5 Years of a Successful Peer Mentor Survivor Program | Dona Hobart |
580700 | Limiting narcotics for breast cancer patients: a prospective study | Amani Jambhekar |
576195 | Outpatient surgery for breast cancer: Experience and outcome in 425 consecutive patients in a private breast clinic | Ryungsa Kim |
581607 | Flat Epithelial Atypia Identified on Core Needle Biopsy Does not Require Excision | Claire Liu |
581635 | A Systematic Review of Breast Cancer Risk in Transgender Patients After Top Surgery | Mara Piltin |
580350 | Performance and reporting variability in technical standards for breast cancer operations | Sirivan Seng |
581861 | Intraoperative Liposomal Bupivacaine Intercostal Blocks vs Paravertebral Blocks for Pain Control in Patients Undergoing Mastectomy with Implant-based Reconstruction | Emily Siegel |
581956 | Regional anesthetic block PECS II: Applicability of an intraoperative technique in breast cancer surgery patients in Brazil | Jonathan Maesaka |
581689 | A European Union Approach to Harmonizing and Quality Improvement of Breast Cancer Care | Cary Kaufman |
578320 | Decreasing Adjuvant Chemotherapy Use in Patients >50 Years of Age with Early Stage Breast Cancer: A Single-Institution Application of the TAILORx Study Findings | Shahrzad Abbassi-Rahbar |
581962 | New Breast Cancer AJCC Staging Eighth Edition Reflects Cancer Aggressiveness and Immune Response | Mariko Asaoka |
581151 | Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis: A closer look at demographic characteristics and factors associated with recurrence in 474 patients | Armina Azizi |
582059 | Overview of treatment regimen and survival in patients with angiosarcoma of the breast | Ashton Brooks |
581848 | Breast Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (BERAS) Protocol Decreases Immediate Postoperative Narcotic Utilization | Michelle Bryan |
582144 | Compliance with Anti-hormonal Therapy After Omission of Radiation Following Breast Conserving Surgery in Favorable Older Patient Subgroup | Jessica Burns |
582156 | Managing Necrotizing Fasciitis of the Breast: Is a Radical Approach Always Necessary? | Daniela Cocco |
581465 | Implementation of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol improves post-operative nausea and analgesia following total mastectomy | Kate Dinh |
580096 | Evolving role of Oncotype DX ® following TailoRx | Anjuli Gupta |
581639 | Identifying Practice Patterns in the Utilization of FDG PET/CT for Staging Breast Cancer Patients at a Safety Net Hospital | Tran Ho |
581229 | Symptoms following surgery for early stage breast cancer patients: A retrospective cohort study | Claire Holloway |
581670 | Understanding the Biology of Occult Breast Cancer: Examination of 31 Cases Finds Aggressive Behavior | Mayo Hotta |
581779 | Single surgeon vs co-surgeon bilateral mastectomy: A comparison of operative times, postoperative nausea, narcotic usage, and length of stay | Laura Hudson |
580463 | Comparison of normal Ultrasonographic findings of Most Commonly used Textured Breast Implants in Korea | Hye Jin Kim |
581564 | The Standardization of Outpatient Procedure (STOP) Narcotics: A prospective health systems intervention to reduce opioid use in ambulatory breast surgery | Sarah Knowles |
581811 | Re-classification with the AJCC 8th edition staging system improves outcome prediction for patients with anatomic stage II disease and favorable tumor biology | Amanda Kupstas |
581556 | Predictors of axillary node response in clinically node-positive patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer | Farah Ladak |
581883 | Application of a mind-body tool in a rural population to improve post-operative outcomes in women with breast cancer: A pilot study. | David Linshaw |
581766 | The Impact of Oncotype DX in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma of the Breast – An Institutional Experience | Christopher McGreevy |
580460 | Axillary Reverse Mapping with Indocyanine Fluorescence Imaging System in Breast Cancer Patients with Clinically Negative Nodes | Masakuni Noguchi |
582204 | Orthotopic implantation achieves better engraftment rate and faster growth than subcutaneous implantation in breast cancer patient-derived xenografts. | Maiko Okano |
575545 | Opioid Use After Breast Conserving Surgery: Identifying Risk Factors For High Opioid Use | Ko Un Park |
582001 | Same day discharge for mastectomy-is it safe?: A population-based analysis | May Lynn Quan |
581801 | Practice Changing Potential of TAILORx: A Retrospective Review of NCDB from 2010-2015. | Sylvia A. Reyes |
582199 | Benefits of an Interview Match for Breast Fellowship Positions | Irene Wapnir |
578960 | Customized breast cancer risk assessment in an ambulatory clinic – a portal for identifying women at risk | Anna Weiss |
Patient Education | ||
579398 | Evaluating Effectiveness of a Breast Cancer Survivorship Program - Quality Improvement Pilot Study | Dibendu Betal |
581794 | Statin Use At Time of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Is Associated With Better Outcomes | Ann Chuang |
580387 | Anxiety Scores of Women with an Increased Risk of Breast Cancer Participating in Facilitated Group Visits | Kathryn Trotter |
581276 | Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy: What's on the Other Side? | Samantha Warwar |
Phyllodes | ||
580331 | Fibroepithelial lesions of the breast diagnosed on core needle biopsy: do all patients require excision? | Jodi Oostra |
Radiation | ||
580686 | Complication rates after intraoperative radiation therapy: do applicator size and distance to skin matter? | Amani Jambhekar |
581161 | Can post-mastectomy radiation therapy be omitted in T1-2 clinically node negative breast cancer patients with a positive sentinel lymph node biopsy? | Kate Dinh |
581950 | Nuclear Grade: An Important Predictor of Local Recurrence in Patients Treated with Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT) | Melinda Epstein |
582042 | A single institution review of APBI using brachytherapy versus IORT: a patterns of care analysis | Lauren Kopicky |
581514 | Twelve Percent of SAVI Catheters Required Explantation Prior to Completion of Abbreviated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Treatment in a Mature Community APBI Program | Danier Moore |
578618 | Improved Survival with Breast Conservation: Analysis of a Large National Database | Christopher Tokin |
Reconstruction | ||
581636 | Hyperbaric (HBO) Treatment Reduces the Area of Ischemic Tissue in Compromised Flaps Post-Mastectomy | Tammy Ju |
580078 | Acellular dermal matrices as an adjunct to implant breast reconstruction: an evaluation of outcomes and complications | Marios Konstantinos Tasoulis |
582082 | Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Protocol Demonstrates Improved Pain Control and Reduced Opioid Consumption for Women Undergoing Mastectomy with Immediate Reconstruction | John Edwards |
581690 | Is Your Post-Mastectomy Patient Missing Something? The Global Success of Knitted Knockers | Cary Kaufman |
580368 | Reoperation and Postoperative Outcomes for Single-Stage versus Two-Stage Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy: A Meta-Analysis | Renee Aboushi |
580703 | Evaluating Patient Satisfaction in Autologous Breast Reconstruction vs. Implant Reconstruction | Melissa Danko |
582158 | Make Your Own DIEP: Perforator Delay Improves DIEP Flap Reliability. | Lucy De La Cruz |
581826 | Reduced Acute Complications Associated with Implant-Based Prepectoral Reconstruction after Nipple Sparing Mastectomy | Kayla Griffith |
581258 | The impact of post-operative prophylactic antibiotics in immediate 2-stage prepectoral breast reconstruction | Jami Rothman |
576324 | Aesthetic outcomes and patient satisfaction following nipple-sparing vs skin-sparing, bilateral risk-reducing mastectomies: an 18 year study. | Victoria Teoh |
582131 | The Impact of Shared Decision Making on Patient Satisfaction Following Breast Reconstruction | Michelle Wakeley |
SLN | ||
580510 | Development of Criteria for Omission of Surgical Axillary Staging in Low-risk Breast Cancer Patients | Suzanne Hoekstra |
580657 | Lack of clinical utility for sentinel lymph node biopsy in contralateral prophylactic mastectomies with in situ carcinoma or atypia | Amani Jambhekar |
582153 | Slow Uptake of Surgeons Using Intraoperative Radioisotope Injection for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy | Sherry Johnson |
580621 | Nomogram incorporating axillary ultrasound characteristics can identify a subgroup of patients unlikely to benefit from sentinel lymph node biopsy | Hanh-Tam Tran |
582163 | Management of Positive Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy following Mastectomy | Alessandra Mele |
581972 | Implementation of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Clinically Node Positive Breast Cancer | Stephanie Serres |
580075 | Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Breast Cancer After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Single Institution Experience. | Joseph El Bourgi |
574696 | Lobular Histology Does Not Predict the Need for Axillary Dissection Among ACOSOG Z0011-Eligible Breast Cancers | Anita Mamtani |
SLN/NAC | ||
556984 | Axillary Lymph Node Management in the Era of Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy, Neo-endocrine treatment, and Targeted Axillary Dissection | Diane Durgan |
581509 | Sentinel Lymph Node Removal after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: When to Stop? | Brittany Murphy |
581445 | Lymph node marking with 4% carbon suspension before neoadjuvant chemotherapy: a new option | Lucas Roskamp Budel |
582086 | Favorable local control in breast cancer patients following sentinel lymph node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy without axillary lymph node dissection | Neslihan Cabioglu |
581270 | National Trends in the use of Sentinel Node Biopsy after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in the United States | Gabrielle Gauvin |
581599 | Should Sentinel Lymph Node Dissection be Offered after Neoadjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients with N3 Disease at Diagnosis? | Neha Goel |
582123 | Is Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Possible After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Clinically-Responsive Inflammatory Breast Cancer Patients | Sade (Folasade) Imeokparia |
Stage IV | ||
582162 | Primary Tumor Resection in De Novo Stage IV Breast Cancer Patients: Single Academic Center Experience | Clare Humphrey |
Time to Treatment | ||
580155 | Screening Mammograms in Palpable Breast Cancers Delays Time to Treat | Betty Fan |
578532 | Treatment times in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy: Is efficiency a benefit of preoperative chemotherapy? | Nicole Melchior |
581493 | Single-Day, Single-Site Multidisciplinary Approach for Complex Breast Cancer | Richard Gilmore |
581797 | Improving wait times and patient experience through implementation of a provincial early referral system for women with BI-RADS 5 breast lesions | Alison Laws |
581484 | The Impact of Time to First Breast Cancer Surgery on Survival | Kara Vande Walle |
Tumor Genetics | ||
581957 | Role of Oncotype DX® Recurrence Score in Predicting Nodal Response after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer | Alessandra Mele |
581864 | Women with higher BMI do not have higher Recurrence Score in a Single Institution Series | Maria Pomponio |
580452 | Association of a genomic index of sensitivity to endocrine therapy with locoregional recurrence of breast cancer | Puneet Singh |
581862 | Should the Oncotype DX DCIS Assay be Routinely Used for Shared Decision Making for Radiation Following Surgery in DCIS? | Cynthia Chen |
581558 | Epigenetic Subtyping of Triple Negative Breast Cancers: Clinical and Pathological Implications | Maggie DiNome |
582290 | Low AR expression tumors in ER positive tumors were enriched DNA repair related gene and it might be associated with patients’ survival. | Maiko Okano |
582234 | ANXA1 expression was associated with worse progress in Basal like breast cancer | Maiko Okano |
582079 | PLK1, polo-like kinase 1, is significantly associated with worse prognosis resulting from activated cell cycle and DNA repair deficiency in breast cancer | Takashi Takeshita |