View the up-to-date Press Center for the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Media/Press Information
May 2, 2019, News Releases
- Same-Day Mastectomy Home Recovery Programs Benefit Patients with No Increased Risks
- Abstract: Same-Day Surgery for Mastectomy Patients in Alberta: A Perioperative Care Pathway and Quality Improvement Initiative
- Abstract: Implementation of Post-Mastectomy Home Recovery Program in a Large, Integrated Health Delivery System
- Innovative Lymphedema Surveillance Program and Early Intervention Significantly Help Prevent Progression
- Abstract: Interim Analysis Lymphedema “PREVENT” Trial
- Well-Selected Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy Patients with Elevated Risk Experience Low Rate of Complications
- Abstract: Outcomes of >1300 Nipple-Sparing Mastectomies with Immediate Reconstruction: The Impact of Expanding Indications on Complications
- Reduced-Opioid Prescription Program Supports Effective Post-Operative Pain Management
- Abstract: Reducing Narcotic Prescriptions in Breast Surgery Patients: A Prospective Analysis
- Breast Surgery May be Unnecessary for Appropriately Selected HER2+ Patients in the Future
- Abstract: Patient Selection for Non-Operative Management of HER2+ Invasive Breast Cancer after Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy
- Additional Notable Research
Press Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in covering The American Society of Breast Surgeons 20th Annual Meeting. We welcome and encourage press to attend our annual meeting. Press releases on research featured during the meeting are available through the links above. A complete listing of all accepted abstracts (pdf) is available as well.
General Information
Designed specifically to meet the educational and practice-enhancing needs of surgeons who treat breast disease, the Society’s 20th Annual Meeting will convene April 30-May 5, 2019 in Dallas, TX.
Press representatives may cover all portions of The American Society of Breast Surgeons Annual Meeting with the exception of pre-meeting courses, examinations, and social functions.
Registered press must wear press badges when attending the meeting.
Only representatives of the following media will be registered as press:
- General circulation newspapers or magazines
- Medical or health-care publications
- Broadcast media or online news services
Additionally, freelancers who present a letter of assignment from a print, online, or broadcast news organization are eligible for press registration.
NOTE: Advertising, marketing, or public relations representatives from publications or commercial firms will not be registered as members of the press, nor will writers and editors intending to highlight the activities of health care manufacturers or who represent industry publications.
Embargo Policy
All scientific abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation during the Society’s 20th Annual Meeting, press releases, and the Society’s Official Proceedings are embargoed until 12:30 pm Eastern time, May 2, 2019. The Society strictly enforces its embargo policy, which prohibits the distribution or publication of the contents of abstracts ahead of the embargo time. Embargoed press releases and official proceedings of the meeting will be distributed to registered credentialed press in advance of the meeting.
Failure to abide by the Society’s embargo policy will result in forfeiture of press credentials for this and future annual meetings.
Press Events
A virtual press briefing will be held at 10:30 am Central Time on Thursday, May 2, 2019.
To apply for press access to the general session and register for the virtual press briefing of the Society’s 20th Annual Meeting, contact Molly McDougall at